Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Not Enough Black Chicks In Cosby 2?

Gfoxx has been paying close attention to the controversy featured over on Fleshbot today around (white) porn director Will Ryder's sequel to Not The Cosbys, Not the Cosbys 2. Lux, one of the commentators and editors of the site, made an issue of the cover art and the content, claiming that there just weren't enough black babes in the sequel. She then went on to castigate (no, that's not dirty) Ryder and the porn industry in general about the "porn ghetto" black flicks endure.

In Big Porn, it seems, all-black movies are seen as niche fare and are rarely given the push needed for them to be accepted by a more mainstream audience. And interracial movies have grown from the black-on-white standard (usually a big-dicked black stud and a nervous white chick) to include Asian, Latina, and other ethnicities. I spoke to a friend of mine who works for Big Porn (one of the larger companies, actually) and he explained it to me like this: all-black is usually terribly exploitive and ruthlessly hard because that's what the paying customer wants to buy. If they wanted to buy porn flicks featuring gay left-handed redheaded Eskimos (no offense meant to my Inuit homies) then that's what Big Porn would make. But since America (the biggest porn buyer by far) still has a plurality of white customers, the Big Porn marketers shoot for the widest audience they can with any given flick. Period. And while a strong minority enjoy all-black fare, then a strong minority of films will be all-black. Sure, there's racism out there, but in the final analysis the goal of Big Porn is to get you to buy what they're selling.

I have to take Ryder's side in this. The Cosby Show, like one of the commenters pointed out, wasn't an exclusively black show, and it wouldn't be right to portray it as such. It was a show about a upper-middle class black family living in a racially mixed neighborhood in Philadelphia. As any brothas in Philly can attest, there's pussy of all persuasions up there, once you peel off the thick outer layers necessary to deal with the cold. Seeing the Huxtables humping a bunch of Asians, Latinas and white chicks falls well within the interracial genre, however, and both movies never claimed to be all-black.

I've read Fleshbot for a while, and I admire Lux and what she does. And she's right, there is a porn ghetto for black movies; they never get the push the mainstream (read: "white") movies do. The black chicks never get the screen time, money or the billing that their white counterparts get (Jada Fire and Marie Luv might be exceptions), but by the same token (no pun intended) the white studs in mainstream porn are almost never celebrated, get paid far less than their male and female counterparts, while the black studs are the stars of black and interracial porn. You might know the names Lexington Steele, Jack Napier and Mandingo by heart, but could you picture, say, James Deen in your mind right off the bat? Randy Spears? Tommy Gunn? Lex likes a white piece of ass and it's a dream and a pleasure to pay good money to watch him do it -- but what about Mark Davis' love of the brown suga?

For that matter, if Lux hit Not The Cosbys 2 so hard, what did she think of The Jeffersons parody? That had some great all-black scenes and stars (including the above-mentioned Jada Fire and Marie Luv), and it parodied a beloved ethnic TV show, too. And since it was parody, one assumes that it had some cross-over appeal that most interracial or all-black flicks just lack.

As I said in my previous post, race is a complicated issue when you mix it with sex. And interracial sex is among the most complicated and controversial, whether you live in the Deep South or in the wild white world of Nebraska. But porn producers are selling fantasy, not racial justice. As much as I would enjoy seeing more well-made black and interracial flicks, the fact is that the exploitive component all-too-often seen in "regular" black porn wouldn't be there if it didn't sell. The inner-city thug might be a gross stereotype, but he is also a character of sexual fantasy (especially, apparently, among white gay men. Don't trust me? Search "thug" on Xtube and watch what happens.) as is the sexually-explosive sista ready to fuck anyone -- even a white dude. The uptown affluent, well-educated black doctor, on the other hand, just isn't lustful fantasy material for the average black porn buyer -- unless that doc has a ten inch dick and likes to screw his blonde secretary in the ass, and even then it's a stretch for the common whacker.

I've heard a consistent complaint from black folks across the land and social strata that there are just no "good" all-black porn flicks. By "good" they usually mean something filmed outside of a dingy hotel room in South Central LA. The all-black features I've seen (the ones with a "plot" -- and I've seen most of the ones that came out in the last few years) usually struggle for an audience after release and hit the bargain bin so fast it hurts. The scripts usually suck, and while production values are usually better than the more-typical gonzo flick, they still seriously lag behind the big studios on technical issues. Either black folks need to start buying more porn retail and demanding better stuff, which would send a message the studios would love to hear, or the traditionally all-black studios need to bang out a hardcore hit that crosses into the mainstream. Good luck with that.

But I do take Lux's point, that there is a kind of black ghetto in porn. It would be great if we saw more women-of-color in mainstream porn flicks, without having the whole thing be considered (gasp!) Interracial. But there have been plenty of men-of-color (Tyler Knight springs to mind, featured in two upcoming Adam & Eve flicks this year: Tigger Wood and The A-Team parody) who have made appearances in mainstream flicks, so the ghetto seems to be a little one-sided.

There are plenty of pitfalls, pity parties and market forces at work when it comes to black and interracial porn, but the fact is the public is going to vote with their pocketbook, and if a movie isn't seen it doesn't matter how racially positive it is. People whack to what they like, and if there was more hue and cry for good, non-exploitive black porn out there, you can better believe that Big Porn would pay attention. The only color they care about is green. Making a porn flick that isn't going to make money is a luxury few can afford.

And honestly that's how it should be.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Racism and Interracial Porn: Shall We Be Adults About This?

A friend of mine and fellow devotee of fine interracial porn recently confessed to me that he was worried that his hobby somehow made him a racist, or at least revealed some racial feelings. We had a long and intelligent discussion on the topic, and it occurred to me that it might be fun if I summarized what I had to say before I forgot it. So here it goes.

And be warned: this is a sensitive subject for just about everyone, and it's possible that, despite my best efforts, I might offend someone. I apologize in advance if that happens, and I assure you that it isn't my intention to offend anyone. Indeed that's one reason I'm hooked on interracial porn: it represents an overcoming of racial barriers in the sexual arena. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Let’s face it: race in our society is always going to be an issue. We have over 400 years of history in this country, much of it entangled with the issues of race. The pornosphere isn’t any different – there’s a fine line between providing quality Interracial titles and being exploitive or demeaning. But it is a very fine line when you are dealing with a subject as potentially volatile as race.

Firstly, people can rarely help what they are attracted to. We all have our little fetishes, those little things that get us off, from something mundane like silky lingerie to something a little more exotic – like the guy at my office who has a thing for chicks with big noses. No, really. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. Our sexuality usually develops without our conscious input, and our brains form sexual associations based on some of the more bizarre experiences in our lives – that’s just how the game works. And race is just one of many, many factors that can play a role in that development.

I’m particularly sensitive to this issue, because I grew up in the Deep South, in a racially mixed neighborhood, where people take racial issues pretty seriously. While I’m continuously amazed at the mistaken ideas people have about race in the South, I also know that the sexual component to interracial relations has always been present there. It has been the cause of much strife and suffering, back in the Bad Ol’ Days. The stereotypes and racial suspicions on both sides of the color line led to conflicts that quite often turned violent, with the threat of racially-based sexual aggression being all too often used as a match to ignite community tensions already strained with legal, economic, and social injustices.

All that being said, the potential for conflict has rarely done anything to prevent actual sexual affairs between the races, and indeed that potential has fueled the fantasy of interracial lust as something forbidden and exciting. The very stereotypes that people of both races have worked so hard to overturn in the last hundred years secretly feed the erotic fantasies of those people. So is that wrong? Disturbing, perhaps, or revealing, but is it wrong?

Again, we’re not usually responsible for how our sexuality develops. When White folks first hear rumors about, say, the size of Black men’s dicks for the first time, their imaginations often inflate the idea into fantasy made all the more delicious by its forbidden nature. Similarly, the take-charge sexuality of Black women have enchanted White men for centuries. Black women are often intrigued by the social aspects of dating a White man -- and may be interested in his reputed predilection for cunnilingus (something the brothas, apparently, do not prefer) and Black men seem intrigued -- if not obsessed, in some cases -- with sexually pursuing White women for a variety of reasons, from rumors of their submissiveness to their willingness to wildly experiment.

It is unfortunate that throughout much of our history that this natural sexual enchantment was corrupted by issues of power and position. Of course, that very corruption adds a special spice to the interracial encounter. It's ironic how those hurtful stereotypes often feed into our erotic fantasies because of their forbidden nature. But now, perhaps, at this stage in our cultural development we can acknowledge the potency of those stereotypes and enjoy their naughty aspects without being pulled down by their demeaning ones.

Unless you're into that sort of thing, I guess.

NEXT TIME: Confronting Racial Sexual Stereotypes Without Being Crushed By Them

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

10 Hot Interracial Videos!

There's nothing I like better than good interracial porn -- and while I love the pro-shot stuff, there's something undeniably authentic about great amateur interracial, regardless of the races in question.

That's why I was thrilled when Fleshbot, one of my own favorite pornsites, featured a great Top 10 Amateur Interracial Porn videos today! It's like they knew I was comming!

Paint With All The Colors Of The Wind: Top 10 Amateur Interracial Videos

Monday, March 1, 2010

Interracial Profiling: New Blog on Interracial Sex

Black, White, Brown, Yellow, Taupe -- it don't matter the skin tone, when it comes to interracial sex EVERYONE WANTS SOME! Whether your kick is brothas and sistas, crackers and crackettes, Asians, Latins, Indians or Aboriginal, there's a little something exciting out there for everyone! This blog is designed to be an ernest discussion of interracial sex, interracial porn, and interracial relationships. Bring no preconceptions or prejudices, just an open mind and a loin burning for interracial fulfillment!

Your host here is Garret Foxx, Gfoxx, and I'm always at your disposal to discuss the exciting world of interracial sex!

Let the games begin!
