Monday, March 15, 2010

Racism and Interracial Porn: Shall We Be Adults About This?

A friend of mine and fellow devotee of fine interracial porn recently confessed to me that he was worried that his hobby somehow made him a racist, or at least revealed some racial feelings. We had a long and intelligent discussion on the topic, and it occurred to me that it might be fun if I summarized what I had to say before I forgot it. So here it goes.

And be warned: this is a sensitive subject for just about everyone, and it's possible that, despite my best efforts, I might offend someone. I apologize in advance if that happens, and I assure you that it isn't my intention to offend anyone. Indeed that's one reason I'm hooked on interracial porn: it represents an overcoming of racial barriers in the sexual arena. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Let’s face it: race in our society is always going to be an issue. We have over 400 years of history in this country, much of it entangled with the issues of race. The pornosphere isn’t any different – there’s a fine line between providing quality Interracial titles and being exploitive or demeaning. But it is a very fine line when you are dealing with a subject as potentially volatile as race.

Firstly, people can rarely help what they are attracted to. We all have our little fetishes, those little things that get us off, from something mundane like silky lingerie to something a little more exotic – like the guy at my office who has a thing for chicks with big noses. No, really. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. Our sexuality usually develops without our conscious input, and our brains form sexual associations based on some of the more bizarre experiences in our lives – that’s just how the game works. And race is just one of many, many factors that can play a role in that development.

I’m particularly sensitive to this issue, because I grew up in the Deep South, in a racially mixed neighborhood, where people take racial issues pretty seriously. While I’m continuously amazed at the mistaken ideas people have about race in the South, I also know that the sexual component to interracial relations has always been present there. It has been the cause of much strife and suffering, back in the Bad Ol’ Days. The stereotypes and racial suspicions on both sides of the color line led to conflicts that quite often turned violent, with the threat of racially-based sexual aggression being all too often used as a match to ignite community tensions already strained with legal, economic, and social injustices.

All that being said, the potential for conflict has rarely done anything to prevent actual sexual affairs between the races, and indeed that potential has fueled the fantasy of interracial lust as something forbidden and exciting. The very stereotypes that people of both races have worked so hard to overturn in the last hundred years secretly feed the erotic fantasies of those people. So is that wrong? Disturbing, perhaps, or revealing, but is it wrong?

Again, we’re not usually responsible for how our sexuality develops. When White folks first hear rumors about, say, the size of Black men’s dicks for the first time, their imaginations often inflate the idea into fantasy made all the more delicious by its forbidden nature. Similarly, the take-charge sexuality of Black women have enchanted White men for centuries. Black women are often intrigued by the social aspects of dating a White man -- and may be interested in his reputed predilection for cunnilingus (something the brothas, apparently, do not prefer) and Black men seem intrigued -- if not obsessed, in some cases -- with sexually pursuing White women for a variety of reasons, from rumors of their submissiveness to their willingness to wildly experiment.

It is unfortunate that throughout much of our history that this natural sexual enchantment was corrupted by issues of power and position. Of course, that very corruption adds a special spice to the interracial encounter. It's ironic how those hurtful stereotypes often feed into our erotic fantasies because of their forbidden nature. But now, perhaps, at this stage in our cultural development we can acknowledge the potency of those stereotypes and enjoy their naughty aspects without being pulled down by their demeaning ones.

Unless you're into that sort of thing, I guess.

NEXT TIME: Confronting Racial Sexual Stereotypes Without Being Crushed By Them

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